Why do men have nipples?
Before you go all smart-arse on me, I know how they have them. Everyone starts off as a female in the womb, blah blah blah. Biology lesson over.
But surely if they serve no purpose (well, except sexual pleasure I suppose. Which I still don't get.), they'd just get left behind as we evolve? They're like appendixes. They do nothing except randomly KILL YOU at times.
Could nipples kill you? I saw a documentary about a woman being killed by her breasts. Perhaps something to do with nipples?
Anime with nipples is counted as hentai. Which is probably why the Sims don't have nipples.
Back to my point, I guess if men didn't have nipples, they'd look like strange nippleless aliens from outer space who are coming to reproduce with womankind. Sounds like a porno more than sci-fi. I'd be a great porno writer. I watch it for the storyline. -puts on hipster glasses-.
Again, back to Earth, away from Nippletronious [the planet in which the no-nipples people come from. Shaped like a boob]. I heard that Osama Bin Laden is dead. I'm not actually sure whether to be sad (about the fact another human died) or happy (because he killed about 3,000 people). But I'm gonna respect him here and say he was a genius. He just used it in the wrong way. Everyone says he's the "bad guy" of the oil war and political things like that, but I don't think there is such thing as "good" or "bad" in a war. Just the people who win, I guess. Sorry about depressing you. Here's a picture to make you chuckle. You'll go to hell, but still.
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