I'm back from my Mock exams, which I'm not going to post yet. I haven't gotten them all back.
A good few things have happened to me since I last posted.
- THE CANE -dun dun duuuuuunnn-
- Ogden broke up with me. Is this a bad thing?
- My best friend will be in a remote island for the entire summer.
Now, for starters: The Cane. [aka Bobert]
I was down town with my friends Cory and Fionn, hunting for a Valentine's Day present for Ogden pre-break up [we had a spear and all], and Fionn spots a cane in the window. For anyone who actually reads Ogden's blog, you'll know how... let's say eccentric, that he is, so I thought that a cane would be a lovely present! So I bought it and named it Bobert. I was ecstatic because I had spent two weeks at that point trying to find something for him, not to mention I had already gotten him electric blue contacts for his birthday.
*_~_* ONE WEEK LATER *_~_*
MacDara, Alisha [two very old friends of mine] and I were heading up to Enniscorthy to see Ogden who we hadn't seen since he went to America, and Brian. [Head of Dead Babies INC. Look it up on Youtube, look for gromit7573 -shameless promotion].
As MacDara and I ambled to Alisha's house, I suddenly dropped the cane.
The handle snapped into three parts.
Oh fuck.
So then we went to Alisha's looking for superglue, and we managed to get our hands and tissues stuck to it.
This really wasn't looking well for us, was it?
We eventually got out hands off but we couldn't manage a few fibers of tissue left over. So we bought a toothbrush and nail varnish remover and tried to scrape off the tissue. [Alisha's idea].
That didn't work.
So then we tried to get some black spray paint to spray it over with, we had given up on the handle at this point.
We couldn't afford it.
Then we lost a small part of the pieces.
So we made our way to the bus stop, where MacDara found out his bus ticket money was lost so I said I'd pay for it.
We missed the bus anyway.
So we went and got chips and came back to the bus stop.
We caught it, but we were one euro short so a very nice woman gave us a euro to get us on [some faith in humanity was restored that day].
We went on our 35 minute journey to Enniscorthy, and when we got off, guess what?
Brian and Ogden had to go.
See, I would have been perfectly fine with these as their farms were quite busy and they needed to tend to them.
But Ogden wouldn't accept the present, because it was broken.
Hold on a minute now.
You can't just reject a present because it's broken, a present is a present despite its condition. It's the thought and effort that counts.
I told him the story about what happened and I was nearly in tears at that point, and he still didn't.
Because "it's no use now, sure is it?"
Wow, Ogden. Just wow.
Remind me not to get you a present again.
Now the cane stuff is over, let me get back to -sobs- TEH GRAYTEZT TRADEGIIE IN MA WHOLE LIEEFFFFFFFFFFF. -heavy sarcasm laced through voice-.
Yeah, Ogden broke up with me towards the end of February.
Bitch, does it look like I care?
Well, of course I honestly do care a little. I really did like Ogden, I did want it to work. But the reason just kind of confuses me.
"You're an amazing girlfriend and all, you're just not the perfect one for me".
... I'm sorry?
How old are we all? Are we adults yet? Can we get married yet? Is it legal to have kids?
Didn't think so.
Teenage relationships can be fun, or serious, meaningless or meaningful. Whatever the relationship is like, it's doubtful it's going to last anyway, we're teenagers for God's sake.
I doubt people will find "that special someone" we all want to have in a teenage relationship. If you have, congratulations, I'm happy for you, but you're not the people I'm talking about here.
I'm talking about people who expect their partner to be perfect.
I, myself don't actually have very high standards. I accept my partner for whoever s/he is, and eventually begin to love them.
This in my eyes, is true love. Not two people who are made for each other, two people who [maybe perhaps are in] love and accept each other for who they are.
I don't ask for people to fall in love with me head over heels in the first few weeks of a relationship. I ask for respect, laughs and the occasional compliment to make me feel that extra bit special, or at the very least, accept me for who I am.
If my partner can't do that, then they certainly don't deserve me.
So sadly, Ogden x Kitty didn't work out. Not to worry, I'll always have Taylor Lautner :)
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"She'll come back. She always comes back." |
I will save the rest of this post for later.
Goodbye, and assviolins.
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